
Take this WOD on vacation

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What's Needed

Pellentesque facilisis, ante non dapibus convallis, leo mauris porta urna, quis elementum mauris odio sit amet dolor. In ut facilisis augue. In risus justo, blandit vitae arcu vel, lobortis sagittis lectus. Nunc quis felis ex.

Vacation WOD

  • A. Kip Pull-up Practice
  • B. 1200 M Run @ 1 mile PR pace
  • 20 Pull-ups
  • 800 M Run @ 105-110% of PR Mile pace
  • 20 HSPU or Pike Push-ups
  • 800 M Run @ 105-110% of PR Mile pace
  • 20 Horz. Ring Rows
  • 1200 M Run @ 1 mile PR pace